米瑞杰 副教授


  米瑞杰,本人教学经历十多年,教学科研经验丰富。目前在广东财经大学经济学院任教,同时担任马来西亚国立大学外聘博士生导师。曾讲授国际营销、国际商务、跨文化商务传播等课程,在中国也曾参与国家级和省级项目。本人是少数国际同行评审期刊( SN Business & EconomicsSN Social SciencePlos One 等)编委会成员,在国际期刊发表 50 多篇 SCI/SSCI/ABS 论文(30 多篇为第一作者和通讯作者),同时是国际创业、商业和技术会议( INCEBT)国际科学委员会的董事会成员。 本人一直担任超过 15 种国际期刊的审稿人,其中包括《Renewable and Sustainable Energy reviews, Energy, Renewable Energy, Environmental Science and Pollution research, plos one, etc. Bhuiyan 博士对学习语言很感兴趣。除了流利的汉语和英语外,他还能说五种语言。

  Dr. Miraj Ahmed, Male, a Bangladeshi national,  is a full-time faculty member of the Economics department at Guangdong University of Finance & Economics, China. He obtained his undergraduate degree in Business Administration from North-South University in Dhaka. Dr. Miraj received his Master's degree in international trade and economics from the Wuhan University of Technology. He obtained his Ph.D. in Industrial Economics from the same university under the supervision of renowned Professor Dr. Wei Long. After completing his postdoctoral fellowship from Wuhan University of Technology , he joined as a visiting fellow at the Qingdao Ocean University (2017). After that he has joined to the School of Economics at Guangdong University of Foreign Studies-South China Business School in 2018. He moved to the School of Economics, GDUFE, in 2019 till the present.  

  Dr. Bhuiyan has experience in teaching and research for more than (ten) 10 years. Currently, he is serving as an External Ph.D. supervisor at the National University of Malaysia. He is editorial board member of few international peer reviewed journal (SN Business & Economics, SN Social Science, PlosOne etc.). He has published more than 50 SCI/SSCI/AHCI papers (more than 30 as first & corresponding author) in international journals. He has been a reviewer for more than 15 international journals, including Renewable and Sustainable Energy reviews, Energy, Renewable Energy, Environmental Science and Pollution research, plos one, etc. He is also board member of International Scientific Committee of The International Conference On Entrepreneurship, Business And Technology (INCEBT). He is a co-editor of a book titled Opportunities and Challenges of Investing in BRI countries. In addition, he has participated in Two Guangdong provincial social science projects. His main research interests are sustainable tourism, Green economy, Environmental economics, Climate change mitigation, etc. He teaches international marketing, intercultural business communication, international economics, BEC English etc.

  He has a Guangzhou Talent Green card provided by the Guangzhou city municipality government. In addition, he has obtained a Guangdong Excellent Talent Card. He is fond of Chinese culture and heritage. He likes to play badminton, table tennis, and Cricket. He likes to explore and get a taste of multi-cultural orientation. So far, he has visited 15 provinces in China and more than 20 countries globally. He has taken part in some Chinese national or provincial projects. Dr. Bhuiyan is interested in learning languages. In addition to being fluent in Chinese and English, he can speaks five languages.